My January 18, 2023 interview of Casey McQuiston for the Galena Public Library’s Litfest! Video should be live until July 18, 2023.
My very first video interview! I’ve got a lot of room to improve, but I had to start somewhere. The twist in the middle was completely unexpected.
Carolyn Rahaman interviewed me for her podcast NaNo-It-All, in preparation for National Novel Writing Month at the end of October 2019. The episode is titled “Orange You Glad I Didn’t Name the Show BaNaNo?”. Click on the icon below to listen.
Follow-up interview for Soon to Be Famous Illinois Manuscript Contest:
November 2020: My Soon to Be Famous Illinois Manuscript win automatically entered me into the Illinois Soon to Be Famous Author contest. And I won!
November 2020: Pandemic Prose – Kate Robards and I talk about how we were handling writing during the pandemic.
October 2021: Hey, I was in the local paper. It makes me feel like the childhood celebrity I never was.

January 2022: I gave a webinar for the Galena Public Library about the power of brainstorming, and Olivia Garrett wrote an article about it, which was totally cool!

September 2022: I wrote a little something for one of my favorite writing groups, OCWW (Off-Campus Writers’ Workshop) called Five Random Writing Lessons. I’ve learned so much from them, I could have done a list of one hundred!

August 2022: I wrote an article about the power of brainstorming characters for Romance Writer’s of America. Funny story – after writing it I was like, “Hey, maybe I should practice some of this advice,” and then I did. I think you have to be a member of RWA to read this, so sorry if you can’t.

Brainstorming For Richer Characters